Friday, September 25, 2009

Guildlines for End-Of-Year Examination

With the end-of-year examination drawing near, everyone has become more focused during lessons so as to prevent themselves from flunging their major examination. Here are some tips I have gathered so far to prepare myself for the examination.

Preparing for your exams
If you can, try to make sure you have completed your revision a few days before the actual exam, you can then put the last few days to good use by relaxing, gathering and checking the equipment needed for your exam. When you have done this try to do an extended relaxation technique for around an hour or so, this will leave you feeling refreshed for the next couple of days. It is also wise to avoid any stressful situations at this time such as a visit to the dentist or long journeys.

The morning exam
Make sure that you get up early and take a long hot shower then perform a short relaxation technique, avoid trying to cram in any more revision as this will only stress you. Make sure that you have breakfast before you leave even if it is only a small one, it will give you energy. Once you have had breakfast then make sure that you have everything you need well before the time you have to leave.

The afternoon exam
Try to relax throughout the morning and don't be tempted to do any more revision, make sure that you eat a light lunch and that you have everything you need together well before its time to leave. Sit down and relax, play your favourite music or watch a movie to take your mind off the exam and to make time pass more quickly. Make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the exam and relax as much as you can in your seat and calmly arrange the items you need around you.

The exam paper
Read through the exam paper slowly then re read it marking questions to answer as you read through it, once you have gone through it then take another look at the questions you marked carefully. Be sure to highlight any sections that are compulsory and read instructions carefully.Most people will tackle the easiest questions first and this gives them confidence and gets them off to a good start, it also allows more time for the more difficult questions.

Some points to remember:
* Don't start answering questions without fully understanding them
* Focus your attention fully on one question at a time
* Choose words from the questions and include these in your answer this will link them together
* If a question is taking too much of your time then leave it and return to it at the end
* Always keep an eye on the time, but don't panic
* If you find that you are panicking and your mind goes blank then take deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouth
* Try to aim to finish around 10 minutes early and look through your answers and tidy up if you need to.

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